Sunday, May 15, 2011

Peace Rally

Ever thought that being honked multiple times by various people could be a good thing? Well, at the Peace Rally on Saturday it couldn't have been more welcoming when drivers did exactly that when seeing the "Honk for Peace" sign. The rally took place at a park right along Central Park Avenue in Hartsdale and the public support was overwhelming. Over the 2 hour period we got approximately 478.5 honks, 39 peace finger-signs, and witnessed almost 6 car accidents from drivers attempting to read our signs. We were given peace tattoos, maracas and loud ear-piercing horns, all inside colorful peaced-out bags. And with all the clouds in the sky and the rain showering down towards the end, we finished off with an homage to Hair singing "Let The Sunshine In."  (For those who were wondering what we meant by rain, it was actual rain from the sky, NOT acid-laced water.) We hogtied 90 MangoUnits! Below are the cleaver semi-peace related signs we made in the hippy spirit!

 About 80 hippy bags filled with noise making implements of destruction (not drugs)

 (Left to Right) Steve, Oren, & Tommy (the mastermind organizer)

Kill The Woodchucks
Save The Trees

(No Message)

Stop making such witty signs.
You're making the rest of us look bad!

Does anybody even read these???

Don't Burn Trees
Burn These

Eat your school
Stay in drugs
And don't do vegetables

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