Saturday, May 28, 2011

(Half-) Day at the Beach!

What a day to go to Jones Beach! Cloudy, cool, yet mostly solitary and serene. The day warmed up and many more (familiar) people showed up and added a Jersey Shore aspect to the originally peaceful atmosphere. We left around 1 PM but had a great time nonetheless. Water was waaaay too cold though! Drowned in a total of 75 MangoUnits.

Didn't know these still existed... The guy had a sand scooper, rock sifting tool and all!

This woman is going to have the strangest tan line with a giant towel draped over her face...

*Insert screeching seagulls sounds here* This is sweet ol' nature's revenge for these girls not only being obnoxiously loud, but also feeding the birds before... Feel more sympathy for the birds though. They should get tested.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Midnight Run Concert: Tom Chapin

He plays three chords and stops--tunes his guitar--continues with full dignity. The very talented Tom Chapin (brother of famous singer/songwriter Harry Chapin) performed a fantastic set of originals and a few Harry  classics like "Cats in the Cradle" and "All My Life's a Circle." His energetic personality was soft and warming in an ironically sharp-pointed roofed church as he invited the audience to sing along with him for roughly half of the performance. Despite the semi-controversial political hiatus he took in the middle of his set, he was loved by all as he picked up his autoharp and played a few songs with it, giving his guitar and banjo a rest. Towards the end he mentioned that a group of people are trying to get Harry Chapin on the stamp for the 30th anniversary of his death. I am in full support of this and I urge you to help too. A total of 65 MangoUnits were acquired and put to good use.

Signature of Tom Chapin from the Concert

This is one of the songs he performed called "Not on the Test"

End of the World!

So word on the street is that the world was supposed to end yesterday... My guess is there are some pretty pissed off people who for some odd reason don't have a life savings anymore. All I can say is haha and here's a picture to prove it. I was granted 55 MangoUnits and I'm allowed to continue living my life (as if this really stopped it).

The sun beaming through after the rain let up

Friday, May 20, 2011

Guitar Club Show

"I know I've got to let it go and just enjoy the show... I want my money back, just enjoy the show." This summarizes the eclectic group of (mostly) talented musicians at what was the last guitar club show of the year (and possibly forever). (Damn budget cuts... they all agreed to.... Nevermind....) Picture:Billy Joe Armstrong (of Green Day) with a different face, the skills of a homeless man (this man can sleep anywhere), and the classic "Crazy Train" by the ex-bat-eating Ozzy Osborne; that is a snapshot of one of the many artists who performed. Vocals lacked; band kicked ass.
On a fluffier side... two performers glockenspieled and uked the hell out of the song "Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows" (along with matching shirts showing the true meaning of the song--Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows). The performers and their shirts are pictured below.

Pink Fluffy Musicians
 The night featured every genre and sub-genre, both electric and acoustic. And despite it being a Guitar Club Show, there were THREE piano acts! (Didn't those people get the memo!? Guess not.) The two domain holders/writers performed as well (Yes! We like to refer to ourselves in the 3rd person!) and they did three acoustic songs: Drive (Incubus), Down By The Water (The Decemberists), and Looking For Paradise (Alejandro Sans y Alicia Keys). We were supposed to go on one act later but the band before us had a few technical difficulties and we were thrown on stage in a quick exhilarating rush! (We did well too considering the added pressure and no warming-up.) We consumed 65 MangoUnits, and enjoyed the predominantly palatable entertainment throughout the night! (Btw, below is the link for the Unicorns song!)
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Peace Rally

Ever thought that being honked multiple times by various people could be a good thing? Well, at the Peace Rally on Saturday it couldn't have been more welcoming when drivers did exactly that when seeing the "Honk for Peace" sign. The rally took place at a park right along Central Park Avenue in Hartsdale and the public support was overwhelming. Over the 2 hour period we got approximately 478.5 honks, 39 peace finger-signs, and witnessed almost 6 car accidents from drivers attempting to read our signs. We were given peace tattoos, maracas and loud ear-piercing horns, all inside colorful peaced-out bags. And with all the clouds in the sky and the rain showering down towards the end, we finished off with an homage to Hair singing "Let The Sunshine In."  (For those who were wondering what we meant by rain, it was actual rain from the sky, NOT acid-laced water.) We hogtied 90 MangoUnits! Below are the cleaver semi-peace related signs we made in the hippy spirit!

 About 80 hippy bags filled with noise making implements of destruction (not drugs)

 (Left to Right) Steve, Oren, & Tommy (the mastermind organizer)

Kill The Woodchucks
Save The Trees

(No Message)

Stop making such witty signs.
You're making the rest of us look bad!

Does anybody even read these???

Don't Burn Trees
Burn These

Eat your school
Stay in drugs
And don't do vegetables

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Poetry Slam

Hello world! (Computer programming reference.) My friends from afar and near--welcome. This new blog shall contain things such as funny pictures and stories, links to favorite sites and just about anything else we find to be relatively amusing.
The picture here is of me (Steven) eating a free donut, homer-style, during intermission at the Poetry Slam this evening. (The donut almost matched but I like the cream in the middle too much to let the inside be hollow.) The event consisted of a slew of extraneous performers representing various cliques in the school. Many lines of propriety were crossed and then crossed again with copious cursing and heavily opinionated pieces on touchy themes. One guy even wrote a poem ridiculing the common poetry themes of self-pity, hatred and mushy love that people often spoke about (which pissed off a majority of the [teenage angst] audience--considering it was a crowd of mostly writers who wrote like that--very amusing)! My partner in crime (Oren) hysterically, was roped into being a judge for the Slam Contest and suffered while sitting in the special marked "judges section" deciding on his favorite Slam piece. But by the end of the competition some acts weren’t poetry at all, but more like Stand-up Comedy, like when one guy broke down Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” line-by-line or when one girl ranted with her hilarious poem (written 10 minutes before) called "Shit That Pisses Me Off." The first item on the list was our loud obnoxious laughter and applause (ironic yet witty).Throughout the night I was emotionally enthralled and extremely entertained, but by the end I was slightly disappointed that I hadn't gone as much as I used to (when I had performed my writing more). I believe there is one more event this year and I anticipate attending again. Soaked up roughly 85 MangoUnits of Fun (out of 100 MangoUnits).