Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mango Product of The Month: Naked Mighty Mango Smoothie

This sweet and satisfying drink from Naked has been on the waiting list of for the Mango Product of the Month for a while now. The drink combines mango, orange, banana, apple and lemon and gives you a full day's serving of Vitamin A and C. The fruit puree is such a treat that we have graciously blended in an additional 70 MangoUnits to the already extensive list of delicious ingredients in this smoothie.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oy gevalt! Your such a putz!

These are two signs I saw in Vienna, Austria... I could have sworn there were no Jews there but I guess I was wrong... 40 MangoUnits to anybody who appreciates the Yiddish humor.

Antiques for schmucks! Get the worst deal here!

In case you didn't feel ripped off at the antique shop you can be a schmuck at this jewelry store!