Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mango Product of the Month: Trader Joe's Soft & Juicy Mango

This dried mango has been a favorite since first seen on the shelves in a near by Trader Joe's a year ago or so. This sweet treat has a sibling which has a light coating of sugar on it, but in order to try and go down the healthier route, we ended up with this (still) savory treat! At the on sale price of 65 MangoUnits, who could let this offer down!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bizzare Budapest Art

Here are some odd artistic works I found on the walls of buildings and billboards in Budapest, Hungary. Spray-painted 55 MangoUnits and almost got arrested.

Posters for music festivals

"This is no place for street art"

Hungarian version of Popeye

Monkeys spray-painting some bananas