Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fruit Ninja's Evil Twin

Rip Off the iPhone game. And yes it is--a complete ripoff the classic app Fruit Ninja. "The game sounds like you're raping someone!" shouts one who's watching. "It's your game!" the other one replies (who is now doing rather well considering he has never played before). The game however is a lot harder than Fruit Ninja but your task is relatively the same--slash things with a swipe of your finger and get points for it.

Original Fruit Ninja <--Game Link!
Fruit Ninja with Birds, a.k.a. Rip Off <--Game Link!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fourth of July!

Happy (Belated) Fourth! Below is a recreation of one moment from my night when walking back to my friend's car after fireworks.

A father had his kids chained to him with glowstick rings so they wouldn't get lost...

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be in awe at the artistic nature of this safety enclosure or call Child Support Services. Still nonetheless a creepy 50 MangoUnits oozed out and it was slimy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mango Product of the Month: Arizona Mucho Mango

Welcome to the first Mango Product of the Month! With the heat we've experienced so far this July, this product is sure to quench your thirst--and for a great price. This 99cent item is a bargain for what you're getting--a cool refreshing drink, a consistent mango flavor, and LOTS of it! That's a whole 23 fl oz of delicious mangotastic drink! For these reasons, we've crowned this product with a whole 65 MangoUnits!